Briton, Friday May 10, 1850 To MINERS AND OTHERS. For Valparaiso
and Coquimbo The Splendid Barque "BALGOWNIE," Gifford WOOD, Master,
will sail for the above ports on or about the 15th instant. She has excellent
accommodations forcabin and steerage passengers, sails remarkably fast, and is
in every respect a first-rate conveyance. Her last voyages out and home were made
ineighty-six days each way. Steerage Passage £21. For further particulars,
apply to the Master on board, or to Messrs Henry BATH & SON. Swansea. Dated Swansea,
May 2, 1850. ~o~o~o~o~ West Briton,
Friday August 19, 1853 ILL-USAGE OF A LAD AT SEA. On
the 6th instant, a youth called William HAWKEN, son of a maltster at Padstow,
preferred a charge before the magistrates at Swansea, against Joseph DONALDSON,
the mate of the "La Serena," for having violently assaulted and beaten him, an
apprentice on board the ship whilst she was on her homeward voyage from Coquimbo
to Swansea. The complainant, in his evidence, said, I am nearly seventeen years
of age, and am an apprentice on board the "La Serena." I shipped on board that
vessel at Swansea for a voyage to and from Coquimbo. The defendant was the mate
during that voyage. I remember Sunday, the 24th of July, he sent me for a watch
tackle. I went for it, and placed it on the deck near the captain; the mate then
asked me where some short straps were. I then went to fetch some. Just at this
time a boom broke adrift, and the captain coming upon deck asked what was the
matter. The mate then called me aft, and asked me why I did not come directly
with the tackle, when I told him he also sent me for some straps. The defendant
then caught up a piece of rope and struck me some violent blows over the arm and
back. I went and laid hold of the wheel; I was then crying. The defendant again
struck me with his clenched fist under my ear and in my ribs. I had several severe
marks from the blows. I showed the marks to all the men on board the vessel. I
felt the effect of the blows for some days after. I will not go in the vessel
again, because I am afraid. On cross examination complainant said, when he was
told to go after the tackle, he went at once, and did not stand talking to either
of the men. Perhaps if he had brought the tackle sooner, the boom would not have
broken adrift; he could not, however, get the tackle quicker; the rope which the
mate struck him with was abut a yard in length, and about the size of his three
fingers. He had complained to the captain who told the mate not to strike either
of the boys in future. John LEWIS and Thomas GUY, seamen, gave corroborative evidence,
and said they saw bruises and marks on the boy's arms and loins. The magistrates
having consulted, Captain MORGAN gave the decision of the bench remarking that
although it was absolutely necessary the master of a vessel should have a certain
power to correct boys given him, yet the mate had not at any time any authority
to lay hands on the boys, or to inflict punishment on any of the crew. The Bench
were also of opinion that the mate in this case was to be blamed because there
was no insertion in the log book in reference to the matter. He would also remark,
for the information of any boys who should be similarly situated to the complainant,
that they had no just cause of complaint to make, unless they first brought it
under the notice of the captain which the complainant said he did. The Bench were
inclined, however, to deal rather leniently with this case, as it was the first
which had been brought against the defendant, and they should therefore only fine
him 50s. and costs, or two months' imprisonment. HYDOCK, the second mate of the
same vessel, then pleaded guilty to a similar charge of assault on the complainant
on the 20th of June, and was fined in a similar amount of 50s. and costs. Transcribed
by Isabel Harris |