SwanseaMariners Home Page
Copyright © Bryan Richards 2003-2024

Database last updated 30/08/2016 15:07:35   ~  Total Records: 8298

  Find Ship Owners by Surname or Company Name: Ship owner  
Ship Owner Date Name of Ship
  Arthu Abbey 10.05.1909 Zena Dare
  The Abertawe Fishing Co.Ltd. 20.03.1902 Tyne
  The Abertawe Fishing Co.Ltd. 25.01.1911 Tyne
  Abraham Ace 11.01.1826 Henry
  George Ace 19.09.1846 Union
  George Ace 28.12.1850 Times
  George Ace 28.02.1850 Times
  George Ace 19.09.1846 Union
  George Ace 04.04.1845 Eliza
  George Ace 12.08.1854 Union
  George Ace 28.08.1854 Union
  George Ace 15.07.1854 Union
  John Ace 26.01.1870 Eliza
  John Ace - Maggie
  John Ace 24.11.1866 Eliza
  John Ace - Brothers
  John Ace 14.05.1835 Brothers
  John Ace 26.05.1835 Brothers
  John Ace 25.07.1828 Thetis
  Thomas Ace 19.09.1846 Union
  Thomas Ace 19.09.1846 Union
  Thomas Ace 27.03.1872 Rossini
  Thomas Ace 11.11.1861 Gem
  Thomas Ace 25.06.1881 Eliza
  Thomas Ace 14.02.1876 Eliza
Record 1 to 25 shown from 212Page size: 
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